Thursday, June 18, 2009

We went to Flaming Gorge and went river rafting for our ward youth conference. Kristen and all the laurels went down the river with Karl as their navigator. We had a great time and Kristen only fell in once. But of course she fell in at the scariest part of the rapids. You see, the raft got stuck on a big rock and Kristen jumped out to push the raft off the rock but ended up falling in. The girls grabbed her quick and held on to her while a raft of boys hurried over to help. Kristen was more worried about her shoes being lost and wanted the boys to save her shoe. They finally got Kristen back into the boat and all went well the rest of the trip.

Look at those muscles. He doesn't even have to flex.
Here is the Bishopric of our ward. Doug Binks,Bishop Glen Roach and Karl Blunck. Thanks for all your hard work to make our youth conference a success.
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1 comment:

Kendal and Alissa said...

Looks like fun! I think we need to take a family rafting trip now that Karl is an experienced guide:)